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give now via Givelify
Thank you and God bless you for giving to The Congregational Church of Christian Fellowship! We appreciate your kindness. Please know that there is no gift too large or too small and be assured that all funds will be used to benefit the church and our community.
At Christian Fellowship, we use an app called Givelify for our tithes and offerings. Givelify is a free, no-fee service that's directly linked to the organization of your choice. Save favorite places, setup recurring payments, direct your giving and generate giving history documents for tax purposes. It's really easy!
Givelify Mobile App Demo
give via PayPal™
mail-in giving:
Checks and recurring payments/online bill pay
can be made and directed via mail to:
The Congregational Church Of Christian Fellowship
2085 South Hobart Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018
please include your giving envelope
(tithes, offering, love offering etc)
in the memo if possible
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